5.10 I hate this week

I kept recalling a biblical text about "a woman dressed in gold" , i remember this old person singing it in a church , it went on something-something and then "a woman dressed in gold".

i put it in google to find out the entire psalm or whatever the passage it was from, i was convinced it was going to be virgin mary or something like that.

it was about The Whore Of Babylon.

Somehow that idea of misinterpretation, or mixing two very radical female figures seems life defining. I will use the text in Act Three

Today when the cleaner arrived I went to the cinema where I work and had my morning coffee and cake. I'm not sure what happened, but i slipped at the chair and felt hard on my butt.

This is a picture of my trying to find out if there are any bruises down there.

Or maybe it's a picture of the Ass of Babylon .

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