1.12- repressed memories and missed trains
Memory no. 1: The Murder Dream
When I was a child I have had a strange nightmare that was scaring me for years to come. I was with my friends at the time at some house on the hill. There was a person whose head we zipped into a bag for a bowling ball. We then would let the person locked in the room to suffocate. The memory of the dream came by accident.
Memory no. 2: My parent wanting a third child.
Recently I remembered a conversation my parents once had at old apartment of my grandparents. It was regarding adopting a third child. My father was extremely persuasive of my grandmother that they indeed are going to adopt a third child. I remember feeling betrayed by my mother for not telling me. On the way home they would say it was all just a joke.
Memory no. 3: The Carnival
My father took me to a school cabin with hiss classroom. It was kind of a big event, it has a rich tradition in Slovakia. There was to be a carnival, I do not remember the first mask I did but i think it must have been some female character. I always played dress up when I was little and it only made sense if i was to dress like a girl (probably the origin of my interest in drag culture). Anyway, it was a competetive carnival and I did not win, I was devastated. My father then threw another carnival and he dressed me as a tennis trainer- i was wearing i think a headband, tennis rocket and my fathers coat. I won that competition and I'm sure it was because my father did not want to make me feel bad. I cringe when I think of it.